We are a Hacker House that welcomes creative and passionate minds from different parts of the world.


We take great pride in the diverse individuals who call our residence home, coming together from every corner of the globe. From these far-reaching origins, we forge a harmonious community that effortlessly transforms into a genuine sanctuary, united by our shared commitment to unity and fueled by the aspiration to create an ecosystem teeming with tangible solutions. While everyone plays a part in shaping the world, instigating meaningful change that truly matters is a journey of greater length. By coexisting and innovating in unison, we accelerate the journey toward ambitious milestones, collectively and as individuals. We are actively seeking visionaries to help cultivate an expansive ecosystem. Engineers, programmers, designers, content creators, entrepreneurs, researchers — and, most importantly, friends — are invited to contribute. Together, we shall sculpt a realm where innovation thrives and connections flourish.



It is an honor to bestow this key upon
our Hacker House's inaugural guest.
This NFT key will allow them to return to
our home on their next adventure.

The Inaugural Guest at the
Hacker House: Artur Vargas

Artur, an accomplished Solidity
developer hailing from Mexico,
is part of the "Roll a Mate" team.
He recently took part in the
Ethereum Argentina.

The first Inaugural Meet-Up
AbadiaDev + AsaDao

AbadiaDev Hacker House was the
perfect setting for the AsaDao event.
A unique blend of technology and
barbecue that sparked creativity and
innovation like never before!

Frequently Asked Questions

A Hacker House, also known as a hack house or hack mansion, is a space where individuals with a shared interest in technology, programming, and innovation come together to live, work, collaborate, and learn from each other. These spaces provide an environment where like-minded individuals can immerse themselves in projects, share ideas, and work on innovative endeavors. Hacker houses often host hackathons, workshops, coding sessions, and other tech-related events to foster creativity, skill development, and networking among participants. The concept aims to create a supportive and collaborative ecosystem where individuals with various technical backgrounds can push the boundaries of technology and drive innovation forward.

We seek individuals with a strong passion for technology, innovation, and collaboration. Your skills and values should align with the ecosystem goals of driving creativity and making a positive impact.

AbadiaDev provides a welcoming environment where you can collaborate with like-minded individuals, work on innovative projects, and attend hackathons and events. As a member, you'll have the opportunity be a guest at our Hacker House and contribute to the tech world while expanding your skills.

There is no fee to apply or become a member of AbadiaDev. Our aim is to provide an inclusive platform for individuals who are passionate about technology.

Our members work on a wide range of projects, from web development to blockchain technology and more. The diversity of skills and interests within our ecosystem leads to a variety of exciting projects.

If you want to be part, we recommend you to follow us on our social media, there you can stay updated about future dates we are opening places for the Hacker House.
The places usually run out quickly, so whenever you see an update regarding them, don't hesitate to apply to our form!



Fill the form and apply to be considered for our next date.

Social Media

Go to our Twitter to stay updated. Alternatively, send us a message on Telegram.

© Copyright 2023 AbadiaDev. All Rights Reserved.